Saturday 9 April 2016

The Hair Curler For Dummies.

 GUYS! I have found the solution to all your hair curling problems! 

Okay so if you're like me and are totally clueless when it comes to anything to do with styling your hair (especially curling it) then you are gonna freakin love this. 

Introducing, The VS Sassoon Curling Secret.

Literally all you have to do is part your hair into sections (like usual) and the curler does the rest! 
Say goodbye to burning your forehead, fingers and ears. 

*~Stares majestically into the distance~*

So yeah, thats how your hair looks after using only the lowest setting (and I've brushed out the curls). 
The tool has 2 settings based on your hair thickness, and 3 settings based on how tight you want your curls! 

 *~All hail the VS Curl Secret~*


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