The perks of living in a rural town is having heaps of aesthetic rusty fences and endless fields of endless plants. I suppose that can also be the downside.
So I've been neglecting this one-off boobielisious (is that how you spell it?) purchase from the Super Glue Store because I hate not wearing a bra, especially if its a loose dress. But I recently joined the boho-bandwagon and purchased one of these *~dreamy~* studded belts and well, I love it!
Overly-revealing dress, meet beautiful jewelled belt.
I'd really love to wear this kind of outfit to my next festival. I love simple, toned down looks when it comes to dressing for a music festival and I think this outfit is kinda bad ass and rock n' roll.
Belt: Shine Boutique
Hat & Shoes: Rubi Shoes
Dress: Glue
Dress: Glue